Board Meetings


Board Meeting Schedule

2024 Meeting Schedule

The regular meetings of the District Board for 2024 are scheduled for July 15, 2024 and November 4, 2024 at 6:00 p.m. to be held virtually unless otherwise noted and are subject to change or cancellation.


Virtual Meeting Instructions

Click the link to join the meeting: https://video.cloudoffice.avaya.com/join/547326735

By Phone: United States: +1 (213) 463-4500

Access Code: 547-326-735


Board of Directors

David BernsteinPresidentMay 2027 Resident
Grant WesterfieldTreasurerMay 2027 Resident
Sima AnnisSecretaryMay 2025 Resident
Cynthia MyersAssistant SecretaryMay 2025 Developer
Linda BernsteinAssistant SecretaryMay 2025 Resident

District Manager

Adam Noel, District Manager


(719) 447-1777 ext. 109


WSDM - District Managers

614 N. Tejon St.

Colorado Springs, CO 80903

(719) 447-1777


Required Notice Pursuant to House Bill 23-1105 – Metropolitan District Homeowners’ Rights Task Force

House Bill 23-1105 created the HOA and Metropolitan District Homeowners’ Rights Task Forces to examine certain matters in communities that are governed by these entities.  The Metropolitan District Homeowners’ Rights Task Force will review, among other matters, tax levying authority and practices, foreclosure practices, communications with homeowners and governance policies. A requirement of the new law is that we notify you of the creation and existence of the Metropolitan District Homeowners’ Rights Task Force prior to its first meeting.  If you have any questions about the Metropolitan District Homeowners’ Rights Task Force, please reach out to the Colorado Department of Regulatory Agencies or visit their website at https://dora.colorado.gov.